A dog named Rona with a prosthesis became a canister therapist for children in Kaliningrad

A unique project “Children read to dogs” is realized in the library named after Vladimir Mayakovsky by clinical child psychologist Maria Khamzina and her faithful pets, said Kaliningrad “Vesti”.  Maria has four dogs in total who are taking part in the project. As soon as Rona joined the ranks of four-legged therapists, her classes became brighter and more exciting. So about the new member of the team write parents of children who study in Mayakovka.

Canisterapy is a type of therapy with animals, a method of treatment and rehabilitation using specially selected and trained dogs. As a rule, canisterapy is used as a psychotherapeutic technique, it promotes the development of mental and emotional abilities, improves motor functions and motor skills.

"The idea of the project "Children read to dogs" came to me a long time ago, there was no such project in Kaliningrad and I decided to implement it. Our project is for all children who are learning to read, can read and do not want to read. If a child, for example, has no cognitive interest, no interest in reading or has difficulty reading, as well as for those who are afraid of dogs, because we are still working with fear," says the author of the project and the owner of dogs, Maria Khamzina.

Maria Khamzina is a clinical psychologist and also a dog handler, so she trained her dogs herself. It takes up to 11 months to prepare one dog to work as a canister therapist.  Rona has been in the team of loyal listeners for a year and a half.

"The important role of a dog is to listen and not interfere! And Rona copes with this task perfectly. Surprisingly, dogs really like to be read to. They look at the book, listen to their lecturer, do not interrupt the children, do not tell them to read faster or slower," Maria continues. - My dogs like books for animals and books about food. Especially when the words sausage or bone are heard! In general, Rona can put her muzzle in a book and sit with child in her arms the whole lesson."

Rona is a three–legged dog. As a puppy, she went to a shelter and lost a paw due to injury, then almost died from a viral infection. A few years ago, Maria took her in and began to prepare her for the role of a canister therapist. And when Rona was already working hard with the children, an almost New Year's miracle happened for her.

"In the classroom, we discussed with the children what letter they wrote to Santa Claus. And then the child asks me what Ron wants for the New Year," says Maria Khamzina. – And asks for a new paw for her! I then said that Rona's new paw would not grow, but it was quite possible to buy her a prosthesis. And we wrote such a letter to Santa Claus."

And indeed, after a while, Rona was already with a prosthesis, underwent special training on how to wear it and is now running with a new "leg", like a native. They say about Rona that optimism is her hallmark. And the parents of the children who participate in the project "Children read to dogs" say that Rona is always cheerful, always positive and the smile never leaves her pretty face.

Photos from Maria Khamzina's personal archive.