A woman from Nizhny Novgorod has created a charity fund for stray cats

Olga Nemtsova is known in Nizhny Novgorod as the creator and director of the Planet of Cats charity foundation, as well as a mother for all abandoned tailed and striped cats who end up in a Nizhny Novgorod shelter, Vesti – Privolzhye tells. 

"My activity started more than 15 years ago when I found puppies on the street. As an ordinary person, I decided to call the shelter and give them away. Imagine my surprise when I found out that there are no shelters in our city, and I had to find a home for them on my own. Then I found the kittens and it happened over and over again. When there were already a dozen cats in care, I realized that I needed to look for a room for them," says Olga Nemtsova.

This is how the story of the creation of a shelter began in Nizhny Novgorod, and then an unusual charity fund for animals.

"Throughout the time, the number of cats I picked up grew and this prompted me to the idea of organizing my own shelter, Planet of Cats," Olga continues. - Now I am the founder of the shelter, director and veterinarian of our veterinary center, which already includes two branches of the shelter and a veterinary clinic."

Today, the Planet of Cats Foundation is a charitable organization that helps homeless animals and even people who have nowhere to put animals picked up from the street or pets. The foundation's staff advises its visitors, but most importantly, they provide medical care to animals and give them a warm, dry, cozy home. Albeit temporary. 

Each of the wards of the Foundation has a difficult fate, - the journalists of Vestey– Privolzhye tell. They had once encountered the harshness of humans. There is a cat without a paw, a fuzzy with a broken spine. Someone wanted to euthanize one of the cats, but they took her to the shelter in time and saved her life. The poor cat had fluid in her abdomen and a complete failure of her hind legs.

Now there are about a hundred wards in two branches of the foundation. Everyone was sterilized, vaccinated and treated for parasites. And a small stamp with a number was placed on the ear of each guest, which means that the tailed one is listed in a special database of animals.

Over 1.5 years of operation, the Planet of Cats Foundation has helped more than 320 cats: a temporary home was organized and maintenance for them during the search for a permanent home.