In Kamchatka, the police rescued a bear cub that got entangled in fishing nets

It was necessary to rescue the clubfoot from trouble, risking being caught by a young bear who did not want to leave the cub and closely watched the police. Kamchatka AiF journalists told about this story in the north of Kamchatka, which almost turned into a tragedy.

The screaming bear cub, who could not free himself from the fishing nets, was noticed by employees of a local fish factory and called the police. A mother bear was running along the shore in a panic, which seriously complicated the situation, because no one could approach the baby.

The operative of the criminal investigation group of the police department No. 18 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "Koryaksky", police Major Rail Abdrakhmanov and district commissioners went to the scene.

Kamchatka North is one direction, there are practically no roads, so the police fleet necessarily has not only all–terrain vehicles, but also official snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. Many villages can only be reached with such equipment. On one of these all-terrain vehicles, the police arrived at the seine of the fish factory. 

"We stopped to think about a plan of action," Rail Abdrakhmanov said, "We did not get out of the car, it is unknown what an angry mother bear is capable of. We drove as close as possible to the bear cub. We tried to untangle him, but he was not happy to see us, he bit a colleague's leg. It was a good thing he was wearing a boot, otherwise he would have bitten through his leg. So we took a ski pole, wrapped a knife on the tape, and I began to carefully cut the seine."

All this time, the mother bear was nearby. It was obvious that she was scared by a loud big car, but she did not let her cub out of her sight. And the police didn't let her out of their sight. 

The place where the bear cub got into trouble is located 20 kilometers from the village of Ossora in the Karaginsky district of the Kamachta region. The fishing area of the fish factory is located there. The tide was so high that the bottom of the sea was bare and the stretched seine hung like a wall. Most likely, the bears were walking along the coast of the Bering Sea in search of fish when the baby got into trouble.

It can be assumed that the bear cub kicked to get free, but in the end only got more confused. Dirty from the black volcanic sand and wet, the baby screamed, not ceasing to fight for his life. When the police cut the net, the cub constantly bit the stick, not realizing that they were trying to save him.  

"The bear is a serious predator, and here is an excited mother," continues Rail, "The bear cub is just a crumb, nevertheless, instinct forced him to defend himself, he tried to attack the knife. It was necessary to act carefully so that the baby would not get hurt. It was inconvenient to cut the seine, hanging from the height of the snowmobile, it acted gradually, weakening the seine."

And so continuously hanging down for almost twenty minutes, but the result was worth it. When the bear cub finally freed itself from the cut net, it rushed towards the forest to the happy mother, to the cries of the district police officers: "Run, bro, run."

Photo from the personal archive of Rail Abdrakhmanov