In Yekaterinburg, pigeon Belyash assists in a manicure salon

In Yekaterinburg, pigeon Belyash assists in a manicure salon

A year ago Belyash lived an ordinary pigeon life and flew to Maria Dupina under the window to peck grains from the feeder. And now he has become a full-fledged employee of her salon, the portalYekaterinburg online says.

— He has been flying to us for five years and he did not let other pigeons in, only he ate here himself. I recognized him on the street, passing by the heating main, greeted him: "Hello, Belyash," and then trouble happened to him, Maria recalls. — He flew in once again and I realized that he couldn't see. One eye was contused, and the other was swollen. Probably an injury. Most likely, a fight with a crow.

Maria took the bird to an appointment with an ornithologist. However, she had no luck with the clinic. During the treatment of wounds, chlorhexidine inadvertently hit Belyash in his right eye and it was not possible to save him.

The pigeon had to relearn how to navigate in space. He definitely wouldn't have survived on the street in this condition. In addition, one of Belyash's paws was injured. He frostbitten it when he was a yard bird.

In the nail salon Maria has installed a spacious cage with a branch of lilac, but the bird only spends the night in it. Belyash doesn't just live in this studio, he has a whole list of responsibilities.

— This is my employee, we are partners. When clients arrive, he sits on my shoulder and controls the whole process. He really likes to watch the manicure, he looks right over his shoulder," says Maria. — And it periodically flies over us. This is generally a big plus, especially in this heat. Replaces the fan. To be honest, new clients sign up for a manicure with him, not with me. They even say: "We haven't seen your work, but we know you have a pigeon."

Belyash is not dangerous at all for clients. He underwent a full examination and received a certificate that he was absolutely healthy. In addition, surprisingly, this pigeon is very clean. And it does not stain the interior with bird droppings.

Another of Belyash's work duties is to take a photo with each client as a keepsake. During the year of his life in the salon he has already managed to star with hundreds of girls with beautiful manicures.

Photo: Maxim Butusov / E1.RU