The three-legged dog Ehrman became a rehabilitologist for his relatives in a shelter for homeless animals

The three-legged dog Ehrman became a rehabilitologist for his relatives in a shelter for homeless animals

Ehrman's story was shown in the TV project "Find a friend on TVC". In the spring of 2021, he was found on the street in Sochi by volunteers. A three-legged dog paired with a Staffordshire terrier roamed the streets in search of food. The guys took the dogs to their place, so Ehrman ended up in the Trust assistance center near Moscow from the Dom Animal Welfare Fund, where he still lives.

"This is where Erman's amazing talent was discovered - the ability to be a "psychologist" for other dogs. No jokes, it is very rare among dogs, but nevertheless there are rehabilitation dogs that help to socialize anxious and psychologically traumatized dogs in cases when a person is powerless," said Nika Mogilevskaya, director of the Dom Animal Welfare Fund.

The staff of the center say that Ehrman gets along well not only with relatives, but also with people. A confident, easy-to-train, kind and wise dog somehow manages to run fast despite the lack of a hind leg. How and under what circumstances the dog was so badly injured, the animal care center does not know. He has already arrived here on three legs.

Over the years spent in "Trust", Ehrman helped many dogs to believe in people and kindness, for example, wild Blueberry and Eustace - a dog with a spinal cord injury.

"Eustace is a dog with an anxious type of psyche, a spinal cord. And our Ehrman constantly calmed him down when he had to do some manipulations. He just came and lay down next to him, even slept in the same crib with him. And when Eustace underwent surgery, and he was forced to spend some time in a separate enclosure, Ehrman took sweets from us, but he did not eat them himself, but brought them to his sick friend," continues the story of the amazing dog Nick Mogilevskaya.

Another ward of Erman is the dog Blueberry. A three-legged "dog psychologist" helped her regain trust in people. Blueberry was a very introverted dog, she spent a very long time alone in an aviary without communicating with people. When Erman appeared next to her, Blueberry began to copy all the actions of a strong relative, began to approach people and allow herself to be taken on a leash.

"Now we are looking for new owners for Ermana. At the Trust help center and the DOM Foundation, we believe that this nomination in the international award "My affectionate and necessary animal" is a chance for Erman to find a person who will love him with all heart," says Nika Mogilevskaya.