Volunteers of the foundation "Dobrye Ruki" (Good Hands) rescued a dog pulled from the rubble after an explosion at a thermal power plant in Kyrgyzstan

The tragedy at the thermal power plant in Bishkek occurred on February 2 at a coal mill. Due to a strong explosion, the iron roof with an area of 680 square meters was literally torn apart. And the fragments scattered for hundreds of meters. Among the injured people in the explosion was a local dog, Ryzhulya, who lived on the territory of the Bishkek thermal power plant. She was found by rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations under the rubble three days after the accident, the journalists of the Russian newspaper told. 

The story of the rescue of the burned poor dog was followed by the whole country. Volunteers from the charity fund of Kyrgyzstan "Good Hands" immediately came to the rescue.

"The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations called me and said that a burnt dog was found at the thermal power plant and asked if we could take her in? I took the dog from the vet clinic, where she received first aid, and immediately took her to our very experienced veterinarian Guahar Alpieva. She saves all our animals. The dog was badly burned. Her lungs were burned, her ears, mouth mucous membranes, and eyes were damaged, and we thought she would remain blind. On the first day, we gave Ryzhula drips and oxygen through a concentrator. We treated all the burned areas,” said Larisa Slobodskaya, director of the Dobrye Ruki (Good Hands) charity fund in Kyrgyzstan.

The veterinarian began to treat the Ryzhulya for free, provided with all the necessary drugs. At night, Larisa took the dog to her home, and in the morning she brought her for treatment. On the third day, the burned skin literally began to peel off in layers. Three times a day, veterinarians treated wounds, applied healing ointments and foam to heal burns. She was on IVs from morning till night. And so it has been for three weeks in a row.

"Many people responded to this disaster, brought drugs for burns, saline, antibiotics, diapers, baby food, and even bought an inhaler to treat burned lungs. Volunteers came to watch the dog. Veterinarian Gauhar fed Ryzhulya with baby food, she ate only from her hands. On February 16, two weeks later, she was able to take the first steps and began to eat herself," Larisa continues.

When Ryzhulya fully recovered, she was sterilized and is now looking for a new home for her. When the treatment was taking place, there were many people who wanted to, and then the enthusiasm subsided, " the Good Hands Foundation says. And Ryzhulya is a dog with a character, distrustful, but very loyal to the owner.

Photos and videos from Larisa Slobodskaya's personal archive.