Interim results of voting for national heroes

Interim results of voting for national heroes

Voting for the nominees is gaining momentum. Over the past two weeks since the start, the heroes of the fifth season have scored a total of 70,699 votes. Moreover, the activity of Internet users changes the placement of leading positions sometimes even twice a day.

Therefore, even for the two days remaining before the end of the first round, no one in the organizing committee will dare to guess: who will continue to fight for the prize of the National Hero?  At the moment, the top five among the lesser brothers looks like this (we publish them in the order of application numbers):

the Yalta dog Mukhtar,
Simferopol Labrador Sardel,
the cat Pilysha from the Moscow region,
Varya the dog from Barnaul
Sergey the cat from Zelenogradsk.

It should be noted that the wonderful shaggy and fluffy leaders literally have several equally worthy contenders breathing down their tails at once, so everything can change in the time remaining before the end of the first round.

In the nomination "Responsible for those", where one of the contenders has gone into a break from the first day and it seems that one of the contenders is not going to stop, there have also been permutations. Moreover, they are more drastic than in the first one. According to the results of the two-week marathon, the following candidates scored the largest number of user likes (we publish them in the order of application numbers):

employees of the Tver Center for the rescue of orphaned cubs,
Kaliningrad volunteer Angelina Strizhenkova,
Novosibirsk team of animal rights activists "Animal_nsk",
Ivan Berezhnov rescuer from Kamchatka
the St. Petersburg project "Mikhalych's Cats".

And in this nomination, several candidates also have every chance to oust someone from the top five.

There is still time, you just need to organize your companions!

On February 7, at midnight, the first round will be completed. On the morning of February 8, the second round starts, which will include five finalists in each nomination. During the final stage, which will end on February 26, the strongest will be determined.

Both winners of the popular vote chosen by you will be invited to the award ceremony of the laureates of the International Award "My affectionate and necessary animal", which will be held in Zelenogradsk in April.

Recall that in parallel with the voting of Internet users, the jury will also have its say by the beginning of March. The arbitrators will have to choose the laureates and prize-winners in all three (including creative) nominations, determine who will receive honorary diplomas and special prizes.

The Organizing Committee once again thanks all the associates of the project who took (and continues to take part) in the election of the National Heroes of the fifth season for their activity and correctness. The main rule of the Award: in our project, of course, there are winners, but there are no losers. Let's follow it!